Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 74-Postgrad

Breakfast: Skinny chai tea latte-4

Lunch: soup-2
special K crackers-2

Dinner: frozen veggies-3
2 veggie burgers-2
angel food cake-3

Snack: Cereal w/soy milk-5


I have felt strange all day. I came home later last night than usual and I don't know it that threw me off today or what. I came home thinking I would work out and my head just wouldn't force my body to do it. Bummer.

Daily: veggies/fruit, vitamin, protein, oil, dairy, tracking, limited sugar/alcohol. 7.


  1. I just have very little in my house. It was stretching it to find the cereal for a snack. I only had soup or eggs in my house other than that. Pathetic. Could I have gone to the grocery store tonight? Yep. Did I? Nope. Lazy me.

  2. Ok, sorry I commented before you'd posted the rest of your dinner and snack, lol. I was worried.
