Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday ....Is it really August already?

Breakfast: English muffin (3), pb (3), banana (0), 1 c. skim milk (2) = 8 points = 406 calories

Lunch: turkey wrap (3), apple (0) = 185 calories

Dinner: Fried Rice (7), peas (1), 1/2 c. pineapple coconut ice cream (3), 1/16 piece of peach cake (4) = 15 points = 577 calories

total = 26 points = 1168 calories

Activity: Run or Jillian...Edit: No activity today. I decided to give my body a rest today. It has been over a 8 days since I've had a day off and I'm super tired tonight so I will be resting. I had to write a business plan for the truck to take to the bank in the am to get our loan so we can get our truck and now I just want to read and go to bed. I will go to zumba tomorrow tonight!

So I canceled my subscription to Weight Watchers today. As of 8/19/11 I will no longer be attending meetings. I just don't think it's worth the money at this point. Some of this also has to do with looking at my spending and trying to clean up areas in my life where there are expenses I don't really need.

Those lists are awesome! I need some of those!

I may be confused. Can you explain the bento thing to me? Is it a way to arrange your lunch? Is there a purpose? They sure are neat looking whatever they are!


  1. Well, I think it is just modeled off of sushi boxes/japanese stuff, but I think the lunch boxes themselves are neat and are a good way to get a variety of lots of small portions! Could be fun!

    You can definitely do what you are doing without WW. I know you've been frustrated with it all anyway. I think the main thing is to just be conscious of what you're eating and to eat really nutritious food rather than fake stuff, ya know? Are you just going to count calories instead and or is there a way to figure out points now?

  2. I think I'll just count calories and shoot for 40-50% carbs, 20-30% fiber and 20-30% fat everyday. I could try going back to the old points system and just using the slider for awhile and see how that works. I really wish I would have measured body fat % before I started this to see how it has changed. We do a biometric screening at the end of this month so at least I'll have some answers then.

  3. That should be 20-30% of protein not fiber. Oops.

  4. YAY FOR A TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is so exciting! Good luck tomorrow!!!!!!
    I'm sure the bank will be nice since you are so good at planning and will be able to show them it's a great investment!
