Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I was thinking maybe we should set goals for ourselves for August.  I think I did that for July, but I didn't get very far with them.  I did not lose the amount of weight I said.  I did pretty good on tracking my food and getting water in and such.  I'm going to think about them and then update them later.
  • Breakfast: bacon, scrambled egg with mushrooms, iced coffee=2.17NC (.75)
  • Lunch: 1 avocado, 5oz cherry tomatoes=7.15NC (7.15)
  • Snack: cereal=8.36NC
  • Dinner: tilapia, cheese and Italian sausage stuffed mushrooms, cauliflower croquets=8.93NC (5.48)
  • Fitness:  walking hills for one episode of Mt. Everest (My Geeky Show I Watch on Netflix)= -750cal
  • Running Totals:  26.61 NC/13.43 veg/1379 cal/69.6g protein/25.5g fiber

  1.  Do strength training moves at least twice per week
  2.  Incorporate stretching at least twice per week
  3.  Same 5 pounds (I'm much more motivated now!)       Lose some inches.

Question of the day:  Do you think it is unhealthy to look at skinny/fit pictures for inspiration?  I'm debating whether this is a good or a bad thing and thought I'd ask your opinion.  Does it make you feel motivated or make you feel worse?  It motivates me I think...  makes me want to work harder.  Obviously the drug-skinny ones are gross, but I think the really buff/fit ones make me want to workout more.

Running Tips (it says treadmill, but these would work outside too):http://www.fitsugar.com/Treadmill-Tips-Burn-More-Calories-Build-Muscle-Run-Faster-18543932

Hope your meeting with the bank went well today!!  I've been thinking about you all day!!

RE:  WW Making you feel bad--I think you are at a point where you are eating healthy and doing it right.  It's not a diet anymore, it's a lifestyle.  And as much as WW wants to say they aren't a diet, they sure make you feel like it if you aren't losing weight or if you're up a few ounces.  What's so trivial is that 0.4 is like a sip of water or something and isn't really reflective of a gain.  I think you should march in there and take your measurements TONIGHT so you'll have something REAL to look back on for progress.  Or a "progress picture."   You keep up the workouts like you are and you're body is going to look amazingly different in another month.  I agree, we can't be so focused on what the scale says if we are doing everything right.  I'm going to take a pic and measurements later.  No more focusing on that 0.4!  :)


    1. I think it's fine to look at the pictures for motivation. I know I do. I think anything that encourages you to work harder is good. I don't put them on my fridge or anything like that because I'm over the eating 500 calories to look good thing. I want to be healthy and so I think if you pick healthy women to model yourself after there is no harm.

      For some reason it will only let me post as anonymous. But I promise it's me.

    2. Yay for no more feeling bad about weight loss. I must tell you that you are such a support system for me that I don't know how I would do this without you. I love to see when you've updated your posts...it's like you're right here talking to me. Life is getting pretty stressful but I take refuge in this site and you. Thanks dude for being there!

      I'm off to take my picture and measurements!!! What a great idea!

    3. Just got done working out. I feel the same way dude! We can do this!
