Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday - Her's Day (At least that's what KJ says)

Breakfast: English muffin (3), pb (3), banana (0), skim milk (2) = 8 points = 406 calories

Lunch: Turkey wrap (3), apple (0), yogurt (2) = 5 points = 285 calories

Total before dinner: 13 points = 691 calories (Remaining = 16 points = 609 calories)

Dinner: Cauliflower pizza w/mushrooms and bell pepper (So excited to finally try this!!!) = 11 points = 420 calories

Ranch made w/greek yogurt = 2 points = 70 calories

Total calories = 1181 calories

Activity: Zumba or Jillian (I think I need more strength training this week so I'll probably go with Jillian and save some $ too...however I might just be in the mood to dance and then I'll just go to zumba)

Just had an amazing experience!!! Went and met with 2 other food truck owners and they offered to let us share their space if we wanted too and I found out some great news about us parking downtown. All we have to do is pay the parking meters and we should be good to go! This is what I have been worried about so this is the best news I've heard in a long time. As soon as the bank will get back to me with a yes everything will be falling into place....(this means that something else will happen but we are ready to overcome any obstacles in front of us!)

Screw Spititbank. I guess I will be out tomorrow looking for another bank. Someone is going to loan me that money!

So every time I encounter a problem with this truck it just leads to something better! The banker gave me the name of group to call that specializes in women CEO's and entrepreneurs called EWF so I'm going to call them tomorrow. I looked them up online and they seem amazing. I think I'm supposed to know them for a reason. The second thing that this bank thing has caused me to realize is that businesses are expensive to start up but I think you can still do it on a budget. I save my money and granted I don't have a ton but I think I can make this work. So I'm buying the video camera and I'm going to start a video blog about this truck and starting a company on a shoestring and dream. It's starting to be so much more than just the truck now.


  1. Found a cool thing to track how many miles you've gone (among other things):

  2. I'm sorry dude. :( You're idea is awesome and well thought out, so I am sure that you will find a bank that is more than willing to be on board.

    Rumors are that SpiritBank is going to be bought out soon. Can't make their payments to the Fed. I imagine they aren't giving many people money right now because they don't have any to give....
