Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday the 2nd of August

Breakfast: English muffin (3), pb (3) = 6 points = 215 calories

Snack: Banana (0) = 105 calories

Lunch: Turkey wrap (3), yogurt (2), apple (0) = 5 points = 285 calories

Dinner: Cauliflower fried rice (7) peas (1) = 8 points = 323 calories

Dessert: Cake (4), skim milk (2) = 6 points = 230 calories

Activity: Zumba for an hour

Total for the day = 25 points = 1158 calories

So I fell asleep at 9:00 on my couch. Woke up at midnight to emails from Courtney about the truck then couldn't go back to sleep til 1am. I am going to have to find an outlet to get things out and then calm down or I will never be fully rested again. Hoping that extra time last night helped a little. I think I got around 8.5 hours so I should be feeling good. Maybe I need more water.

I would do the goals but everytime I think of goals I put down weight and I think I've had enough of putting pressure on myself to lose weight and the only thing it's gotten me so far is frustrated. I need to get away from WW for awhile and let everything else calm down. I work out every day that I can and I plan to keep that up so I guess that's sort of like a goal. I'm in better shape than I've been in I don't know when. I think if I keep updating like I do and exercising I will be happy. Maybe I can think of goals that are healthy but don't have to do with weight loss or my exercise. Like try a new activity every week....or try a new healthy recipe twice a week. Something like that that's new but still supports my long term goal.

Speaking of long term goals back on June 15th I said I wanted to lose an average of 1.2 pounds per week. I haven't lost any weight since June 15th but my body is changing and I Think that's why I've been so frustrated by WW. I go in and have exercised every day and have watched my food intake and I'm up .4 and they make me feel bad about it when no one else in that meeting even exercises twice a week. I think I'm bitter.

I think we have a name!!! But I need your honest response on what your first impression is...feel free to ask anyone you know too. I want lots of response on this....Are you ready? And be ready cause it's kinda weird.

Skookum: Local Food on the Go

Here is a link to my pinterest for the food truck. I am now addicted. I was just looking before but making your own board is so much fun. I probably should have never started. My Pinterest site


  1. Maybe work in some basic yoga or stretching before bed?

  2. I didn't really know what to think at first , but it almost sounds like 'scookem/'s cook 'em/let's cook them. I think it fits. And after wiki'ing it, I really like the meaning!!!!

    I like it!

  3. Yay for pinterest!!!!!!!!!!! I'm now following you!!
