Saturday, July 18, 2009


Good Morning!

We have almost been doing this for two full weeks! Can you believe it?
We are both in the 100's for points already--go us!! Speaking of which, you need to set another goal since you reached your 50 point one!

Breakfast: english muffin (1), fruit smoothie with 4 oz. yogurt (2)=3/20
Lunch: SmartOnes Cheese Ravioli (5), cocoa almonds (2)=10/20
Dinner: Salad (0), dressing (1), Minestrone Soup--no pasta, all veggies in broth (1), sourdough bread (3), calamari (9)=24/20
Snack: FF Hot Dog (1), PB Sandwich (3), snickers ice cream bar (7)=35/20, 9 APs used, 6 Weekly Used.
Activity: treadmill, stretching=+9APs

Going to see Wicked tonight! The plan is to eat at Spaghetti Warehouse, so I am planning on getting some type of grilled chicken salad and maybe some soup. We'll see how it goes.

Points: fruits/veggies, activity, tracking, sleep, limited sugar and alcohol( I am going to count this since I only had one dessert), lean protein, oils (I am counting the salad dressing), water, vitamin=9
No dairy. No NSV.

Did really well until after the show and I was SO hungry that when we stopped for gas I got a frozen snickers...


  1. I think there is a way to group our daily entries by week that way we can just click on week July 6-13 and see all the entries for the week. Just a suggestion. I'm losing track of which day was which.

  2. Ok, I will work on it. :) I agree that would be much easier

  3. Hope Wicked was awesome! Way to plan out your meals!
