Tuesday, July 14, 2009


WOW! I still can't believe your weight loss! That is so great, and really just makes me happy we are doing this! We are both so lucky to have each other! I am so happy for both of us!

Breakfast: English muffin (1)= 1/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0)=1/20
Lunch: fat free hot dog (1), progresso soup (0), special K crackers (2)=4/20
Snack: cereal(2) and a cup of milk(2), cocoa almonds=10/20
Dinner: Chicken/Veggie/Rice casserole (4), milk (2), choc. graham crackers (2)=18/20
Snack: 1 cup baby carrots (0), cantaloupe (1)=19/20
Activity: walking (+5), cleaning for two hours (+5)

Points: f&v's, dairy, oil (chicken was cooked in EVOO), protein, activity, sleep , vitamin, water, tracking, limited sugar/alcohol=10

Every time I log on here, I am reminded of your awesome loss yesterday. I am still blown away by it, and it is very inspiring. The past couple of days I have been struggling with boredom/bad moods/etc. I am making a list of things I want to do before summer is over with right now, so hopefully I won't struggle with this anymore....

Also, I watched Oprah just now and Dr. Oz suggests taking your multivitamin in two parts by splitting it in half to take 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the evening. I think if we did this we wouldn't have the nausea issue (as much). I think I'll try it tomorrow. I am ready for our meeting tomorrow. What is the plan? Would you like to try that place in Edmond? We could go back to your house (or where ever) to chat afterwards. Or we could do the same thing we did last week and just meet at Braums in Guthrie if you want to kind of get out of town. Or you could come here. Either way. :)

I think the heat is really depressing me I think. I was really enjoying my morning walk everyday, but now I can barely muster up the energy to go outside and immediately regret going outside once I do. I have been trying to just do the EA Active or my exercise DVDs, but I am getting so sick of just sitting in this house. I think it is a bit of cabin fever. I went for a walk this morning around 9:30 (I have GOT to start waking up earlier!) and it was only 90 degrees out, but it sure heats up quickly....

I am also frustrated with the hubby being into the full football swing (basically) and having nothing to do...I know that this is my own fault, but I am going to have to get up off my ass and stop feeling bad for myself so I can enjoy the rest of the summer. This week also sucks because waiting on the next paycheck to feel a little bit better about the bank account. Spent a little more than usual this month and we get nervous when it gets below a certain point, so I feel bad spending much/going anywhere. Don't worry though, I have money for ice cream tomorrow! :)

Plan for tomorrow: Wake up early (at least 7 am). Eat a good breakfast. Pack a small snack. Go to Colvin. Workout (cardio and weights). Get a spray tan. Eat lunch with parents. Come home and do something on "Summer To-Do List." Meet you for ice cream/weekly strategy meeting. :)

Ok, I feel better now. Thanks for listening/reading. :)
Going to go make list, cook dinner (chicken and rice...I think you need this recipe! Too easy!), and enjoy the rest of my evening! (Yes, I am giving myself a pep talk...I think living with a coach does that..."now get out there and do it!")

Be back later.


  1. I love this blog because it feels like I've been talking to you all day. I completely understand where you're coming from. I would get a little stir crazy too but it's hard when there's no true schedule. I think that's why work is saving me right now because I only get that one hour to eat. Tomorrow sounds like a great plan though. and I'm super excited about getting together. I'm flexible to go anywhere. I can come there or we can do the yogurt place. Is there one that you would like more?

    I think the summer list is an awesome idea! Maybe I will make one too. I hope you have a nice relaxing evening.

    P.S. This weather is anti-exercise weather. You are my activity point guru-I don't know how you do it. I come in from my car and I just want to sit in the cool. Hopefully that cool front gets here ASAP.

  2. I suggest one of those pilates DVDs you have. Or do you still have those??

    I think the yogurt place and your place/where ever sounds like the best plan, but I am nto the one at work all day....it is really up to you in the end because I have no job...

  3. Also, I have just cleaned for an hour and am going to count the APs. I think this is the only way I a going to actually earn my 200....

  4. I am considering finding a jump rope...

  5. Dude, I think you may have given me an extra daily point yesterday. I think I only got 7.
