Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday July 24th

Okay so today I didn't track. I ate all healthy items but I was just eating a little piece of fruit here and some veggies here so I didn't really keep track.

I did workout with Jillian tonight. 30 Day Shred Level 3. She is so hard core. Level 3 is more pliometrics and jumping and squating. I will hurt tomorrow.

I made gazpacho for lunch all week. It's in the fridge "coming together" hopefully. I also made a new drink tonight. I've been reading the Clean Eating magazine and it had a recipe for a watermelon, papaya, jalepeno drink. I just had it after my work out and it was amazing. You can put alcohol in it but I didnt cause it really doesn't need anything. I will have to make that again. I took pics. I will try and upload some tomorrow.

I hope you had a great Sunday dude!

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