Sunday, July 24, 2011


  • Breakfast:  iced coffee with cream (.92)
  • Lunch:  1/2 of a hamburger on a whole wheat bun, 1/4 serving french fries
  • Dinner:  roast, carrots, tomatoes, fresh peaches
    I'm going to start the couch to 5k program tomorrow on the treadmill.  I really wish it was outside, but I'm still not getting along with the weather and don't want to get up early, haha.  I'm gonna do it though.  Fo sho.  


    1. I feel bad that we didn't talk much about getting motivated yesterday. I talked a lot of the food truck and I want you to know that I'm here for anything...whether you need to talk or get together or anything. This blog is such a great outlet for me and I want to make sure that you're just as happy with it.

      Thanks dude!

    2. I loved talking about the food truck! I'm so excited for you and happy that you've found something to be this excited about!! You are really inspiring me!

      Tomorrow starts my getting on the treadmill while listening to lectures time. I'm going grocery shopping tonight for fresh produce and am going to cook some good stuff this week. James is going to be gone for the next few days, so I think it is a good time to really get down to business. I just bought shoes today for interviews, so I want to feel really good when I guy buy a suit, especially since I plan on going all out for it. The motivation is there, I just have to carry out the plan.
