Sunday, August 2, 2009


Woo-hoo for sticking to it for that whole month! Sorry I didn't up date much yesterday, it was a busy day.
Breakfast: coffee with 3/4 c. milk and mocha (2)=2/20
Lunch: 6 oz. shrimp (3), 1 c. carrots (0), tbs. dip (0)=5/20
Snack: smoothie with 1.5 c. fruit and 0.5 c. yogurt(2), fake PB sandwich (2), sun chips (3) =12/20
Dinner: Turkey-Mushroom-Veggie Meatloaf (3), veggies with EVOO (0), cup of milk (2)=17/20
Snack: cereal with milk (3)=20/20

F&V's: 5/5
Dairy: 3.25/2
Protein: 2/2
Oils: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: yes
Vitamin: 1/1
Tracking: yuppers
Sleep: yes
NSV: I made up a recipe on my own....haha.... I made meatloaf that was made of turkey, portobello mushrooms, bell pepper, onion, garlic, etc. It was really good! I was so proud--I haven't made meatloaf before by myself. :) Easy meal that is a keeper as far as recipes go!
Activity: I ran around the house cleaning/organizing/nesting/etc, but didn't track it. Not sure if it counts.

10 points.

You need a new long term goal! Did you get any shoes yet??
I need to update the dailies like I said I would a week ago, lol....

Watching the Iron Girl sprint triathalon on channel 4 really inspires me. I love hearing all of the stories about the athletes and their reasons for competing and their life hardships. It makes me feel like I could do anything!

Wish I hadn't eaten those damn sun chips...I think I was just bored.... >:(


  1. I wish I would have known that was on. That sounds interesting. I may go try and find it on the internet. I need some inspiration.

  2. You should because most of the people doing it weren't pro-athletes, they were just normal people doing it for the first time and such. A lot of people had great stories and had overcome a lot to get to that point in their lives. I love stuff like that.
