Thursday, August 6, 2009


You had a great day yesterday, way to go!!

I have to go to the city and get some stuff done before school, so hopefully today will go okay.
I am also disappointed because it is storming and I was going to go running before I left for the city. Hopefully it clears out before I leave around noon.

Breakfast: English muffin with sugar free jelly (1), coffee with 1c. milk and mocha (3)=4/20
Snack: 1/2 apple (0)
Lunch: ff hot dog (1), 1 cup carrots (0), tbs. of yogurt dip (0), protein shake (2)=7/20
Snack: light PB on 1 piece of bread (2), ff cheese stick (1), 1/2 an apple (0)=10/20
Dinner: 1.5 piece of veggie pizza (9) <--ugh. No other choice here, but at least my veggie suggestion was taken well. =19/20


F&V's: 5/5
Water: 6/6
Oils: 0/2
Dairy: 2/2
Lean Protein: 2/2
Sleep: yes
Tracking: yes
Vitamin: yes
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: yes
NSV: I got home from the city at 8:30, went and changed, and went straight to the track!!!!! I had to work off some of that pizza, but only had about 20 mins. of daylight.
Activity: Quick jog= 4 AP's

10 points.

Not really sure if it rained here all night, but it did rain here all morning long!

I'm not sure why I even eat pizza (except tonight I was so hungry and that was the only choice because someone ordered it for delivery). I mean seriously.....have I ever eaten pizza and then thought, "Wow, I am really glad I did that. I feel so much better." Nope. Never. I always feel gross afterward. Always. Yuck. I feel better after jogging a bit, but feel like a big grease ball on the inside and I have WI tomorrow.....


I stayed within my dailies I guess, but still. I don't feel like it.


  1. Don't get down dude. I remember eating a big bag of M&M's one evening right before WI and it was a great one. Sometimes your body needs fuel and not being able to resist something is your subconscience telling you that. Good luck tomorrow! I bet it'll be great.

  2. Haha! I remember that!
    Man, I should have ate M&M's instead, that sounds good. It'll be ok... I am aiming to maintain.
