Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 62-Postgrad

Breakfast: Iced Grande Skinny Chai tea-4

Lunch: Garden turkey sandwich w/no dressing from city bites-it says 6 points on the website but I had no dressing and I asked them to go light on the cheese and the guy yelled to the kitchen to only put one slice on so I'm gonna go safe and say 5.

Snack: rice pudding-2

Dinner: 2 flour tortillas-4
Red beans w/tomatoes-3

Snack: popcorn-1


Do you have any free time this weekend? Do you want to try and get together to do something?

Does the silence mean no?

Daily: water, vitamin, fruits/veggies. protein, dairy, tracking, 8 hours, limited sugar/alcohol. 8 for today.


  1. Haha, no I didn't see the question!
    What are your plans for Monday?

  2. I'm going to cookout with mom and dad.
