Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 15-Postgrad

Breakfast: Kashi-2
Soy milk-1

Lunch: turkey sandwich-3
WW yogurt-1

Dinner: Green pepper w/yogurt dip-1
WW lasagne-6
WW ice cream bar-2

Snack: cottage cheese w/pineapple-3
yogurt dip w/veggie tortilla-2


I'm a little scared about tonight. I'm hoping the at home scale and the WW scale will be different.

I love yourlist. I have more to say but its hard to type it out on the phone. Ill update when I get home.

I am so hungry. I may weigh in early so I can eat sooner.

Lost: 1.4 pounds!

Waist-lost 1 inch
Hip/thigh area-lost 1 inch
Bust-lost 1 inch
Arms-Stayed the same

I measured my thighs and hips separately so next time I should be good to go. I feel weird about the measurements. I'm not sure how exact they are. I got as close as I could.

Went to a WW meeting(5), Lost (5), Ate OP all week(5), measurements(3). 18 total

Daily: Water, veggies/fruit, tracked, 8 hours, limited sugar, dairy, protein. 7 total.

What did you think of dating in the dark? I actually liked it, although I love all those reality shows.


  1. You'll be ok! Besides, that loss last week probably threw your body for a loop this week. Who knows though, right? It seems that the scale has no logic most of the time....

  2. Yeah, I would weigh-in early too, lol.

  3. I just pull it as tight as I can every time, lol.
